Frequently asked questions.
How to
Register? Start with signing up on the lessons page with your name & email address for easier management of your purchased lessons/subscription/bookings.
Get the best prices for lessons? You can save up to 10% with Quartely subscriptions or 3-5% with monthly subscriptions.
Schedule my lessons? You can do it straight after purchasing your chosen number of lessons/subscription by clicking on Schedule>> button and selecting preferred day and time of your lesson. Or you can schedule your lessons later after logging in with your email, by clicking on the arrow down V next to your email address and clicking on Manage codes, > Manage subscription > Schedule >> , Book. Or you can book your lessons directly by clicking on Schedule >> button in your confirmation email.
View scheduled lessons? After logging in with your email, by clicking on an arrow down V next to your email address and clicking on Appointments you will be able to see all your upcoming/past lessons.
Cancel or Reschedule my lesson? After logging in with your email, by clicking on the arrow down V next to your email address and clicking on Appointments you will be able to click on Cancel or Reschedule.
Join my lesson? After logging in with your email, by clicking on the arrow down V next to your email address and clicking on Appointments you will be able to see your upcoming lesson. By clicking Join your meeting here a new tab will open with Google meet. You can also access your lesson directly by clicking the link in lesson confirmation email.
Cancel my subsription? After logging in with your email, by clicking on tthe arrow down V next to your email address and clicking on Manage codes > Manage subscription > Cancel. Please note all remaining lessons have to be scheduled before cancelling of the subscription. If not scheduled before cancelling they will become unavailable.
For any technical issues or help/support please contact me at mirindalive@yahoo.com